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Joyful surrender to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sr. Laura Holupchinski, PES

Originally from MN

Religious sister since 2013 in final vows

Serving in Detroit, MI

"Lord, when did I ever deserve such a gift?" These are the only words I could think moments before the Mass of my first profession of vows on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus this past June 8. I had spent four and a half years of formation both in Minnesota and at our Motherhouse in Peru, learning what it means to be a religious of Pro Ecclesia Sancta and to fall deeply in love with the Sacred Heart. Now it was time to formally profess my commitment to live out the evangelical counsels according to the way of life of Pro Ecclesia Sancta, becoming a bride of Christ, symbolized by the white veil which I will wear until I profess my perpetual vows in about five years. 

When I asked the Lord the question, "When did I ever deserve such a gift?", this gift to be His alone, this gift to be a part of this family of Pro Ecclesia Sancta, despite my unworthiness, immediately I heard Him reassure me in my heart, "Never, but I have been waiting to give it to you from all eternity." These words filled me with profound peace and gave me confidence to surrender myself totally to the Sacred Heart. His desire to bless me with my vocation and to provide me with abundant graces to be faithful to Him will always be infinitely greater than my weaknesses and struggles. 

It was very special to have several of my family members come all the way to Peru for such an important moment in my life, to witness and in some way experience the love of the Sacred Heart. They have taught me what it means to be generous and to trust in the goodness of God, and with them present at the profession of vows, I was able to do both of these things in a way none of us had expected. A few weeks after my profession, I was assigned to return to our PES community in Minnesota. I am currently helping with various apostolates with youth and young women, and am very grateful for the opportunity to share with others the love of Jesus that has become the meaning and joy of my own life.

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