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Achieving Growth

Pro Ecclesia Sancta



"We are all called to be holy by living our lives with love
and by bearing witness in everything we do, wherever we find ourselves."
– Gaudete et Exultate 14



School Visits


We were able to visit both the grade schools of St. Thomas Aquinas in Madison and St. Thomas More in Brookings.  It was a joy to meet the students, and see them get excited about their call to be holy and love Jesus with their whole heart through games, teachings, songs, and other activities. 


College Students Luncheon


We hosted a Women's Luncheon with Bishop Degrood for college women throughout the diocese.  The Bishop graciously invited us all to his home where we conversed and were reminded of the Father's love, had a time of Q & A with him and then closed our time together in a beautiful moment of prayer with Our Lord.


SDSU/USD Vocation visits 

We had vocational events at the Newman Centers at both South Dakota State University and University of South Dakota.  The evening began by Bishop Degrood celebrating Mass for the students followed by dinner.  The men went with the priests and we were with the women, along with some other Religious Orders who joined us as well.  We reminded the women of their dignity and worth in the eyes of the Father and by knowing that, there will be a desire to respond out of love to the plans He has for us.  It was a beautiful evening on both occasions. 


Women's Advent Retreat

We were invited to take part in a Women's Advent Retreat put on by Holy Spirit Parish in the diocese.  There were over 100 women who attended and we enjoyed the privilege of walking with them throughout the day, preparing our hearts to enter more fully into the Advent Season. 

Our Ministries
in the Sioux Falls diocese

Our mission and work both aim at the same goal: holiness!

We are grateful to the Sacred Heart of Jesus who has brought us here to remind everyone of our call to be holy, living out and sharing our charism with the Sioux Falls diocese. Our service to the local Church includes families, children and adults in the parishes, work with the students and staff at the O'Gorman Schools and other Catholic schools around the diocese, as well as college ministry. We are blest to be able to help lead retreats and camps, provide spiritual formation opportunities and hope to spread the love of the Sacred Heart to each person we encounter.

Handmade Christmas Gifts

Still in need of a handmade Christmas gift? We wanted to share that we have these exact rosary bracelets available for purchase!  Please let us know which one we can save for you! 

Sales Christmas.png

With the purchase of these products you are supporting the mission of Pro Ecclesia Sancta.

Sisters Christmas Wish List

Thank you for your kindness and support